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Tell Me Why

Team Specs





Dozen Programmers

I worked on it for 1.5 years

PC, xBox One

Unreal Engine 4


Tell Me Why is a narrative game. The story takes places in Delos Crossing, Alaska. We follow 2 twins: Alyson and Tyler in their reunion to unravel the memories of their loving but troubled childhood. The gameplay phases need to feel as realistic and smooth as possible and the goal is to have the player immersed into the game's universe and gameplay delivering a unique experience DONTNOD-style.


I worked on this project for about a year and a half as a Gameplay Programmer. I worked on a big part of the Camera System. During the pre-production, I also had the chance to branch out and work on many different gameplay aspects of the game in tandem with other gameplay programmers to create coherent and robust systems in anticipation of the Production phase. Some of the systems I worked on include:

  • Gameplay Camera System (Many aspects of it from smooth n-blend transitions to different 3C cameras and exotic behaviors)

  • Inventory and UI (I worked on the Dialogue UI which is, for some part, diegetic and seamlessly blended into the gameplay)

  • Metrics and Telemetry

  • Generic Interaction & Inspection System (every interaction in the game is created within our own custom system by the designers using the in-editor tool we provided for them)

  • Debug Tools (visual) for the different systems for runtime debug information


Having the opportunity to start working on this project since its early pre-production phase was a game changer. I learned a lot from it. Being able to see the systems you worked on in pre-production being used during Production gives you access to essential feedback on your work and key improvement points.

In addition to that, seeing the transition from pre-production to production and working during both also gave me the keys to work in other productions in a more relaxed and serene manner. The management of our time and effort to focus on long-term and robust systems, as well as debug tools has saved us a lot of time during Production.

Being the owner of some of the gameplay systems has also allowed me to push fairly deep into some long-term decisions and refactoring. A little bit of focus on performance as well was also a direct side-effect of that organization. I transitioned to another project before I could see the very end of this one, but this experience was very fulfilling.

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